2015 is upon us! We at Safe Harbor LLP are always “looking forward” to the New Year – in both senses of the word. First, in terms of optimism, we are always looking forward to an exciting, fun, and prosperous New Year. We live and work in one of the world’s most wonderful cities, San Francisco, and most wonderful metropolitan areas, the San Francisco Bay Area… that in and of itself makes us optimists.  How can’t you be, after the torrential rains of the past few months, showing us that Providence does favor California? These powerful rains are filling up our reservoirs, and making us optimistic that the state’s terrible drought is coming to an end (we hope so). And, secondly, we look forward to the the future by planning our cash flow, income, assets and investments to maximize gains and minimize losses, of which the “loss” to Uncle Sam via taxes is a big one.

San Francisco Tax Tips Newsletter: January, 2015

San Francisco Tax Tips 2015So 2015 is upon us, my friends, and we are proud to post our informative San Francisco Tax Tips newsletter for January, 2015. Among the topics:

  • Create a Personal Cash Flow Statement. Businesses often think in terms of dollars in, and dollars out, with the balance positive being a “profit” and the balance negative being a “loss.” Individuals should do the same, and by looking “back” to 2014 and “forward” to 2015, you can see opportunities to save, and opportunities to do better. Don’t forget to include those nasty credit cards, as debt is almost always a no-no.
  • Tax-free Roth IRA Conversions. If you are switching employers, and have contributed both “pre-tax” and “post-tax” dollars to your retirement, you can flip some of those “post-tax” contributions to a Roth IRA.  Here’s how.
  • Business Owners. We focus a lot at being the best CPA in San Francisco for small businesses, and we have a timely series of tips for businesses to prepare for 2015.
  • And, of course, the fun-filled tax calendar.  Businesses are first in the queue to get their taxes ready, and then individuals.

We look forward to a prosperous 2015, and we hope you do, too. We are always (@ your service) to help.  Got tax questions? ROTH IRA questions? Questions about your individual finances, or personal business?  Contact us today for a free phone consultation!