Department of the Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said there are no plans to extend the Beneficial Ownership Information reporting deadline.

“I don’t think it’s going to be necessary to extend the timeframe,” she testified during a July 9, 2024, House Financial Services Committee hearing, highlighting ongoing outreach and what the agency considers a good amount of reporting so far.

During the hearing, a number of committee members noted that there are still a lot of small business owners who do not know that they have this BOI reporting requirement from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and could be facing significant financial penalties that might create a financial hardship if they miss the deadline to report BOI by the end of the year.

However, Secretary Yellen does not expect this to be an issue, relying on specific wording of the reporting regulations that will help small business owners who may not be aware they have to file that could protect from the $250,000 fine associated with not filing a BOI report.

“The fine is for a ‘willful’ violation,” she said, although when pressed, she could not provide a clear definition of what constitutes a willful violation. Yellen added that “FinCEN is not going to prioritize going after small businesses.”

She also noted that FinCEN is engaged in extensive and ongoing outreach to make sure small business owners are aware of and educated on the requirement to file a BOI report.

By Gregory Twachtman, Washington News Editor