Over 200 years ago, Benjamin Franklin said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” And it’s just as accurate today as when our country was founded. Taxes were established to provide federal, local, and state governments with core services.business meeting about teaming up to find tax solutions

These include a strong defense, well-maintained roads, and a robust law enforcement and judicial system. Someone may be confused since taxes seem to be spent on much more than society’s basic needs today. But that’s not our area to worry about; as a tax CPA, our expertise ensures Bay Area residents navigate the tax system to their benefit. That is, our job is to minimize your taxes to the greatest legal extent possible.

If Ben Franklin were around today, he might look at our modern tax system and add, “Nothing is certain except how arduous taxes are!” Just when you have a handle on those yearly tax filings something always seems to change. And the more things change, the more they stay the same: People see themselves paying more in taxes. And here we go again. The IRS just released its tax inflation adjustments for 2025 . Several changes will occur, including standard deductions, marginal tax rates, alternative minimum tax (AMT), and earned income tax credit (EITC).

Let a top San Francisco tax CPA untangle the tax code for you

People living in the San Francisco Bay Area can have complicated financial lives. Some locals might spend half their time here and the other half at another home in China. Or they could have several properties in both countries and a vacation home in Italy. It can be the same with business owners. We have clients with brick-and-mortar shops in Canada, the U.S. and Asia.  A portfolio of national investments can fluctuate regularly. Those are a lot of moving parts to handle alone. People considered “high-income net-worth earners” need the help of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to keep things running smoothly.

There are moments when a Bay Area local feels good about their stock options and want to cash out. It helps to stay in touch with a tax CPA to get the most out of that transaction, however. Did you know that exercising stock options can have a MAJOR impact on your taxes? So how does one ensure they meet their obligations to pay U.S. taxes and maximize the benefits with such difficult-to-understand financials? First, speak to our tax CPA experts! One of our skills is remaining on top of every new little change in federal, state, and local tax laws that will impact how someone files. We can also assist if someone is looking to file an amended tax return because they still need to get their filing right last time. The more assets and earnings a San Francisco resident has to manage, the more complex tax filings can become. Our tax CPA team can help untangle the problems and produce a clean, beneficial filing!