We offer many nifty tools and calculators to help you with tax and financial needs. Use the links below by topic area –
- Auto – auto loan and financial calculators. If you’re in the market for a car, use these tools to help you figure out the best way to finance (or pay off) a car loan.
- Business Calculators – business analysis tools such as a debt consolidation calculator, buy vs. lease equipment calculator, or even inventory analysis tools.
- Debt and Credit Cards – tools to figure out the pro’s and con’s of credit cards, including debt payoff, how much you might own, or tips on debt consolidations.
- Insurance Tools – tools to figure out life insurance, disability insurance, or HSAs vs. traditional health plans.
- Investment Tools – tools to help you figure out investments including annual rate of return calculators, fixed income vs. equities tabulations, REITS, and tax-deferred vs. non-tax-deferred investments.
- Loan Calculators – tools to help you with amortiation, home equity or line of credit calculators, and even a loan prequalification calculator.
- Mortgage and Home Loan Calculators – calculate the pro’s and con’s of different types of home mortgages and home loan subtypes.
- Personal Finance – tips and tools to help you with personal finance issues such as a basic calculator or checkbook balancer, and even a tool to figure out if you and your spouse are better off if one or both work.
- Retirement Tools – tools to help you with retirement savings such as 401K and other retirement savings tool calculators.
- Savings – tools to help you to spend less and save more, including even a tool to calculate how much you might save by bringing vs. buying your lunch.
- Tax Calculators – 1040 tax calculator, EIN (Earned Income Credit) calculators and estimators, self-employment tax and even a 1040EX tax form calculator
We have MANY resources and tools listed below. Simply browse by category and find a tool or tools that help you!