Remember after the last election there was a spike in Google searches about living in Canada? Apparently there wasn’t a big surge of Bay Area locals immigrating to “America’s Hat” as some predicted.
Photo credit: MoneyBlogNewz via / CC BY
Maybe a few of us would consider a short-term work assignment if the opportunity came along. Canada is beautiful country and we think the people are as nice as you hear they are. Yet, we are die-hard Northern Californians no matter the political climate. We love San Francisco, and we love the entire Bay Area! USA, USA, USA! (OK, we’ll calm down about our fervent patriotism).
Expat Tax Return Preparation
Canadians probably feel the same way. They like to visit the Bay Area, but it’s not “home.” When a Canuck gets a temporary work assignment around San Francisco, it may be their chance to enjoy time in our country. Of course they still have to pay taxes and many find our Safe Harbor team. You know how they try to find us? By searching Google for “Canadian Tax Return Preparation in San Francisco.” The thing is, we don’t do that. To be clear, we don’t process tax returns for the Canada Revenue Agency (ARC). What we can do is U.S. tax preparation for Canadian ex-pats living in the Bay Area. That means we always process tax returns for the Internal Revenue Service. It’s called an “ex-pat tax return”
Our Safe Harbor tax consultants ensure a Canadian working in California is ready for tax preparation when it comes to the IRS. Whatever the tax obligation is, it’s our job to manage the US income tax return filing. We are happy to connect with a CPA who is handling the Canadian tax return preparation as well. Although we don’t handle the taxes for other countries, it’s important to us that returns in every country are compliant for our clients. Luckily, tax season for both Canada and the United States is April. That can make it quicker to schedule both IRS and Canadian tax return preparation.
To be clear, Safe Harbor CPA’s can also manage ex-pats on the “flip side.” If you’re an American citizen living and earning an income in Canada, we can help with the U.S. portion of an annual tax return and any other revenue streams earned. That includes properties, personal business and investments. If an ex-pat has earned income in other parts of the globe, our tax consultants can roll that into the plan as well.
When it comes to Canadian tax return preparation, it’s important to know who to call when filing with the IRS and the ARC. Safe Harbor tax consultants are experts at annual IRS tax returns. We also know how to get along with Canadian CPA’s across the border to ensure a client is compliant on both sides of the border. Canadian ex-pats working in the San Francisco Bay Area are welcome to contact our Safe Harbor tax professionals for a quick consult.
Photo credit: MoneyBlogNewz via / CC BY