If you need a Bay Area international tax accountant, you will find that they are few and far between. Certainly, there are many accountants in the Bay Area, but the majority of them only deal with US tax affairs, which is to some extent understandable because US tax law is extremely complicated and it takes all their time just dealing with “local” problems at home.
However, at Safe Harbor we have expanded our practice to include international tax accounting services as we have found that many of our clients do also have problems with tax overseas. In fact, although we are physically located in San Francisco we have been gaining new clients from all over the Bay Area as the word has spread that we are a Bay Area international tax accountant as well as dealing with US tax affairs. If you live in San Jose and have international tax issues this is good news, because you can now have the best international tax advice in San Jose from a firm of tax advisers that isn’t in San Jose. These days 99% of our work is done over the Internet because our clients prefer it that way. In fact, we have a handful of clients that we have never met in person!
Information Is Secure – So Important for International Tax
That doesn’t matter because we can share information securely on the web by WebEx and secure online uploads. Yes, we are talking about confidential information here, but many lawyers are now using the web to discuss matters with their clients and they also hold extremely confidential information. The systems in use today are ultimately secure and are tested on an ongoing basis in order to insure that they cannot be breached. This means that it doesn’t matter if you are in San Jose, Paris, Oakland, Manchester UK, Walnut Creek, Sacramento, or right next door to us in Geary Blvd, SF. We can still handle all your tax problems internationally, interstate, or just in CA.
Indeed, many of our clients have business interests in China, India, Israel, Western Europe, and more. You may be a US citizen, permanent resident, or foreigner living in the US, but if you have overseas interests that generate an income you can be liable for taxes in the US. One very common area of problems is FBAR – Foreign Bank Account Report – compliance, and this is an area in which we specialize. We can help you to minimize your tax liabilities in the US for foreign assets.
So if you are in need of a Bay Area international tax accountant, by all means give us a call on (415) 742-4249 or email us on info@safeharborcpa.com. We’ll be happy to help.