Running a business in San Francisco can have its rewards, but at the same time there are 101 things that you have to do in order to comply with all of the legislation that our beloved state and city require us to adhere to. Let Safe Harbor handle business tax returns for you.

And that’s before you get to dealing with customers! A lot of them are very picky, and they want to be mollycoddled. You have to jump through hoops in order to keep them happy and keep them as customers. And of course, you don’t really have a choice about that because the most important thing is to have continuous income.

Not only that, but having just got over Covid, we are now facing a looming recession here in California, when things are going to get tight. And just a few years ago, you thought starting your business was a great idea!

All right, don’t get us wrong, but we certainly do have a lot of issues to deal with today, no matter what sort of business you run. And we haven’t even mentioned taxes yet!

Unfortunately, while customers may go away, taxes will never do that. So, today, it is more important than ever that you make certain that you pay the absolute minimum amount of tax that the law requires. How can you do that? Well, unless you are a tax expert, you can’t do it sitting in your pajamas on Sunday evening and trying to understand all the legislation. That will never work.

We Are Tax Professionals

This is why you need us at Safe Harbor for your business tax preparation. After all, we are all tax specialists at what we do. You are a specialist in your business, and we are a specialist in ours. Taxes. We understand them. We love them.

Don’t mistake us, we don’t love paying them! Far From it. What we love is NOT paying them! And we also love our clients NOT paying them as well. Trust us, we get a real kick out of working our way relentlessly through the multitude of laws surrounding taxes so that each and every client pays not a cent more than they have to.

Let’s face it, business tax preparation is hard. Taxes are hard. They are meant to be hard. The IRS designs them that way so that the average person can’t understand them, and as a result finishes up paying more than is required. They will be quite happy for you to do that.

But you won’t do that when you use us for your business tax preparation, because that’s what you pay us for. So, if we charge you, say, $1,500, and we save you $4,000, that, to use the old expression, is a result! The IRS may not be happy, but you and I will be!