This month’s lively tax bulletin has an in-depth article, entitled, “Income Annuities in Employer Retirement Plans.” You can read it, here. To be frank, it’s a little “inside Baseball,” with a rather esoteric discussion on new opportunities presented by Deferred Income Annuities. If you’re into the technical, please read the article. If not, here are some suggestions about planning for your individual retirement.
- Don’t delay! Retirement will be here before you know it, and the sooner you start planning for it, the better off you’ll be. We can work with you on long-term income and tax strategies.
- Do you own a business? If you do, that’s a special case, as you may also have successor issues or buy/sell agreements. Plus if you have a corporation or an LLC, there are lots of things we can do to make retirement planning better. Many corporations can have retirement plans that can be very advantageous to the business owner.
- Do you own a home? San Francisco real estate has re-started its burn towards the stratosphere, so if you already own a home in San Francisco, then you have an asset that’s going up in value. If you’re thinking of buying, we can help with the tax and retirement implications of that.
- Tax, tax, tax. Nothing is certain in this world, but death and taxes. So, see, we are dealing with the less depressing of the two! Talk to use about you to minimize your taxes. Every dollar you can legally save from paying Uncle Sam is a dollar in your pocket: and you can use those dollars towards your retirement.
Retirement isn’t that far off… Social Security will probably still be there, but you don’t want to live just on that. Call, email, or walk in today and we can discuss your complete financial picture. Retirement is one aspect, and so are taxes.