As October approaches, our San Francisco Tax Tips newsletter focuses on the very opposite of what we did last month: babies vs. retirement. The kick-off article investigates the tax advantages of having a “baby on board.” (To download the October eLetter, click here.)
Beyond the Baby: Gold as a Collectible and Wellness Benefits
Beyond the tax “advantages” of having a baby, the October newsletter dives into the issues of buying gold for your investment portfolio. Unknown to many consumers, gold is taxed as a “collectible” vs. stocks or other financial assets, and so faces a much stiffer tax rate on any gains. Who knew? Well, not anyone who just had a baby, as those folks are far too busy dealing with late nights and diapers. Besides babies and gold, the newsletter concludes with a discuss on wellness plans. Whether you’re a young parent, worried about the ups and downs of gold, or just your typical San Francisco health nut, a corporate wellness plan may be just the prescription you need.
Photo credit: TheNickster via / CC BY-SA
About Safe Harbor LLP – a Professional CPA Firm in San Francisco
Safe Harbor LLP is a CPA firm that specializes in accounting and tax services for individuals and businesses throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and greater California. Safe Harbor CPAs helps both individuals and businesses with tax preparation, IRS audit defense, and audited financial statements. The firm prides itself on friendly yet professional service and utilizes state-of-the-art Internet technology to provide quality customer service. Its goal: to be the best CPA firm in San Francisco.
Safe Harbor CPA
Tel. 415.742.4249
Photo credit: Julien Haler via / CC BY